Communicating your thoughts clearly

In my first job many moons ago, my boss told me: "You have great ideas, but they don't always come across in meetings."

That was tough to hear because I considered myself a good communicator.

I asked her to elaborate, and she said that it often sounds like I’m making up the idea as I speak and that I would be so excited about my idea that I would stop listening.

It was great feedback that many others only get late in their careers or not at all. I was lucky and took heed.

I would spend a lot of time preparing for meetings, analysing different ideas and points of view, and imagining how I would present arguments.

I planned simple analogies to crystallise my ideas and bring them to life.

Finally, I took a short course on active listening, which has probably delivered more ROI than any other skill I have learned.

It’s made me a better communicator, which is a skill that I will keep improving.

Today’s prompts are designed to help you think (and speak) more clearly.

Today’s Prompts

1 - Communication

How often do I practice active listening? What are my biggest challenges when listening?

2 - Communication

Think about people in my professional network or industry whom I admire. What can I learn about their communication style that will help improve my delivery?

3 - Quote of the day

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

4 - The 'If you don’t have time’ Prompt

How are you feeling as you sit down to write? List one thing that can make your mood even better?

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Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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