Monthly review journal prompt

Daily Journal Prompts - 31 August 2024

Monthly review journal prompt

Image from Canva Pro

The end of the month is my favourite time of the month.

I love reviewing my progress and failures, especially my failures.

I generally learn more about myself from the failures than I do from the successes, so instead of getting upset by them, I get excited.

The process I’ve been using for years is quite straightforward. It breaks down the month into good, bad and ugly, and then I audit my life across a number of areas before setting my goals for the upcoming month.

Equally important is setting up systems or strategies to ensure you stick to your goals. I’ll be talking about this in more detail during tomorrow’s newsletter.

For now, let’s review the month first!

The Monthly Review

The Good: List all the things that went well. Feel free to expand and go deeper

The Bad: List all the things that didn’t go so well. Feel free to expand and go deeper

The Ugly: List all the things that were terrible. Feel free to expand and go deeper

Life Audit (score each area out of 5, with 5 being great and 1 being terrible)

  • Health + Fitness:

  • Friends + Community:

  • Love + Relationships:

  • Family:

  • Career / Business:

  • Money + Finances:

  • Emotional Well-Being:

Looking forward to September: List your top 3 - 5 trackable goals for the month. Start with a number you are comfortable with and then increase over time

I’d love your feedback

What was your favourite prompt of the day? How can I improve the content of the newsletter? Reply this mail and let me know!

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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