What are you afraid of?

Daily Journal Prompts - 4 Sep 2024

What are you afraid of?

Starting a solopreneur career meant confronting one of my biggest fears.

No, it wasn’t the fear of failure. I don’t mind that because I feel the benefits in terms of the skills and mentality I gain will outweigh the small, monetary loss.

My fear is the fear of putting my work out there, and hearing that it isn’t good enough.

I take a lot of pride in my work. Like most people, I don’t like to be critiqued.

But in my line of work, I can’t shy away from it.

To do everything I can to succeed, I have to put myself and my work out there, for better or worse, and I need to adjust my attitude to fear to do it productively.

This newsletter is an example of me trying to overcome my fears.

Today’s Prompts

1 - Fear / Self-reflection

What is one fear I need to face, and how will I take the first step towards overcoming it? What is my long term plan to overcome it?

2 - Fear

How has fear influenced my decisions or actions in the past?

3 - Quote of the day

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”–Dale Carnegie

4 - The 'If you don’t have time’ Prompt

What are you worried about today? Describe why in 2 sentences.

I’d love your feedback

What was your favourite prompt of the day? How can I improve the content of the newsletter? Reply this mail and let me know!

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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