When did your life peak?

Daily Journal Prompts - 10 Sep 2024

When did your life peak?

In February, I met some high school friends on holiday in the UK.

We were talking about another friend who, decades later, still talks about his glory days from school like they were the pinnacle of his life.

He was the cool kid in school and those days continue to be the peak of his life.

The conversation struck a chord with me.

I can’t imagine a life knowing my best moments are behind me.

Subconsciously, I have kept chasing new summits - from running my first marathon to completing a triathlon, working damn hard to nail a promotion in record time, starting my solopreneurship journey to buying my dream home.

The conversation made me more deliberate about planning my peaks, setting goals, and finding fresh mountains to climb.

Your life will be better for the journey.

Today’s prompts are about goals and having more of those great moments.

Today’s Prompts

1 - Goal planning

Think of a goal you are currently pursuing. Now, imagine that you have achieved it and are celebrating it. How will you celebrate it? What were the actions and challenges you had to complete to reach this moment?

2 - Area

What was your last peak, and what will your next one be? How can you make a plan to get there?

3 - Quote of the day

“Will you look back on life and say, ‘I wish I had,’ or ‘I’m glad I did?'” - Zig Ziglar

4 - The 'If you don’t have time’ Prompt

List down 3 things you have always wanted to do in life.

Get the most out of your journalling:

  • Choose one prompt: Focus on just one prompt each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Be brutally honest: Reflect openly and honestly. This is your safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

  • Take your time: Sometimes it takes a few days to clarify your thinking. Here’s permission for you to take your time to unravel a prompt and not take on any new ones during that time.

  • Journal your way: Whether you prefer writing, audio recording, or video, choose the method that suits you best.

  • Don't stress about streaks: If you miss a day, don't worry. You can always revisit a previous prompt.

I’d love your feedback

What was your favourite prompt of the day? Or did you hate them all? How can I improve the content of the newsletter? Reply this mail and let me know!

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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