Picking yourself up when you are down is the hardest thing ever

Daily Journal Prompts - 29 August 2024

Picking yourself up when you are down is the hardest thing ever

Image from Canva Pro

You know you have to pick yourself up. You should get outside. You should do something. You should have some purpose. You know all these to be true.

But you just can’t do it. The energy isn’t there. Getting out of bed feels like moving a mountain, and stepping outside seems like a battle you are not ready for. You feel disconnected, aimless, and deflated like a punctured balloon.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all those moments when it seems like it will never be ok again when the future looks impossible.

Over time, I’ve cultivated strategies to pull me out of the doldrums.

One of these strategies is journaling during peacetime to build resilience.

Why? During peacetime, I can think rationally. I can imagine myself in a bad situation and think through how I would behave and react. So, when I enter that place, I have a strategy to get out of it.

Today’s prompts focus on resilience— a muscle we build, one reflection at a time.

Today’s Prompts

1 - Resilience

Reflect on the last time you felt helpless. How can you ensure you are not in that situation again? If you end up in such a situation, what steps can you think about to feel less helpless?

2 - Resilience / Relationships

What are three ways you can strengthen your support network?

3 - Quote of the day

“If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.” ― Shane Koyczan

4 - The 'If you don’t have time’ Prompt

What lesson did you learn this week?

Get the most out of your journalling:

  • Choose one prompt: Focus on just one prompt each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Be brutally honest: Reflect openly and honestly. This is your safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

  • Take your time: Sometimes it takes a few days to clarify your thinking. Here’s permission for you to take your time to unravel a prompt and not take on any new ones during that time.

  • Journal your way: Whether you prefer writing, audio recording, or video, choose the method that suits you best.

  • Don't stress about streaks: If you miss a day, don't worry. You can always revisit a previous prompt.

I’d love your feedback

What was your favourite prompt of the day? Or did you hate them all? How can I improve the content of the newsletter? Reply this mail and let me know!

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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