Money: Fear, Planning, and Freedom

Daily Journal Prompts: 4 October 2024


The root of all evil? Or the key to happiness?

I’ve always viewed money as a double-edged sword. It has the power to give and to consume.

I've seen my finances grow, shrink, and fluctuate over the years.

I've lost a significant amount once, only to recover it later. I've been in debt.

But the constant thread was a sense of tension—was I spending wisely? Did I have enough to feel secure?

One weekend, I finally decided to confront this fear head-on.

I spent hours planning different scenarios: What if my wife and I lost our jobs? How would we sustain our lifestyle? What if our salaries were cut? What could we live on without feeling compromised?

It took time to put together these numbers, and even longer to truly reflect on what they meant for us.

But once I had a plan for every "what if," I realised my relationship with money changed.

I stopped fearing the unknown and began to feel a sense of control and comfort, knowing I had a way forward, no matter what.

Today’s Prompts

1 - Money

When was the last time you felt truly comfortable with your financial situation? What is your plan to gain comfort?

2 - Money

How has your relationship with money evolved over the years?

3 - Quote of the day

You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.” - Maya Angelou

4 - The 'If you don’t have time’ Prompt

What one thing you can do this month to feel more in control of your finances?

Get the most out of your journalling:

  • Choose one prompt: Focus on just one prompt each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Be brutally honest: Reflect openly and honestly. This is your safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

  • Take your time: Sometimes it takes a few days to clarify your thinking. Here’s permission for you to take your time to unravel a prompt and not take on any new ones during that time.

  • Journal your way: Whether you prefer writing, audio recording, or video, choose the method that suits you best.

  • Don't stress about streaks: If you miss a day, don't worry. You can always revisit a previous prompt.

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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