Monthly review journal prompt

Daily Journal Prompts - 30 September 2024

Monthly review journal prompts

Image from Canva Pro

Gosh, this month really flew by.

I was travelling for half the month and didn’t hit all the goals I had set.

I did less work than I expected during my travels and when I got back, I was hit with task paralysis and playing catch up.

It took me a few days to make sense of the chaos and to come up with a functioning plan for the rest of the month and all of Q4.

Generally, I don’t do any work on a holiday, but now that I’m working for myself, I had deadlines and commitments to meet.

It’s an adjustment period for me and a great learning I uncovered using my monthly journal prompts below.

Now let’s review your month!

The Monthly Review

The Good: List all the things that went well. Feel free to expand and go deeper

The Bad: List all the things that didn’t go so well. Feel free to expand and go deeper

The Ugly: List all the things that were terrible. Feel free to expand and go deeper

Life Audit (score each area out of 5, with 5 being great and 1 being terrible)

  • Health + Fitness:

  • Friends + Community:

  • Love + Relationships:

  • Family:

  • Career / Business:

  • Money + Finances:

  • Emotional Well-Being:

Looking forward to October: List your top 3 - 5 trackable goals for the month. Start with a number you are comfortable with and then increase over time

I’d love your feedback

Do you find today’s prompts useful? Reply this mail and let me know!

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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