Taking the best parts

Daily Journal Prompts - 29 Sep 2024

I’m writing this intro while on a flight home after a holiday in Tokyo.

I don't watch TV shows or movies during flights, so I often find myself with plenty of time to think and journal.

One of my favourite prompts to tackle post-holiday is: "What did [place you just visited] teach you about life? How will you apply it?”

These reflections are always surprising, offering new insights that I can incorporate into life. Here are some examples:

  • Italy: I remember seeing locals enjoying a glass of wine at the riverside at 11 a.m. on a weekday. It was a vivid reminder that work isn’t everything, and sometimes, it's worth pausing to appreciate life's simple pleasures.

  • Malaysia: My friends had a laid-back attitude toward any future challenges. Their mindset was, "We'll deal with it when it happens." It showed me not to stress over issues that might never even happen.

  • Japan: The culture of respect and patience was striking. Whether it was people queuing in an orderly fashion or the politeness of every interaction, it made me realise how impactful small gestures can be.

Every place we go, every experience we have—it all teaches us something.

The key is to recognise these lessons and consider how we can incorporate the best parts into our lives.

Today’s Prompts

1 - Self-reflection

What did your last trip teach you about life, and how can you apply it daily?

2 - Self-reflection

What was your biggest fear before your last trip, and how did facing it help you grow?

3 - Quote of the day

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

4 - The 'If you don’t have time’ Prompt

What was the most memorable moment from your last trip?

Get the most out of your journalling:

  • Choose one prompt: Focus on just one prompt each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Be brutally honest: Reflect openly and honestly. This is your safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

  • Take your time: Sometimes it takes a few days to clarify your thinking. Here’s permission for you to take your time to unravel a prompt and not take on any new ones during that time.

  • Journal your way: Whether you prefer writing, audio recording, or video, choose the method that suits you best.

  • Don't stress about streaks: If you miss a day, don't worry. You can always revisit a previous prompt.

I’d love your feedback

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Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


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