Daily Journal Prompts

Here's what you are in for ...

Welcome aboard, fellow Journaler,

I am honoured to be part of your journaling journey.

Journaling has been a lifeline for me. It helped me cope with the loss of my dad and grandparents, navigate a period of joblessness, and deal with the social, financial and work challenges that come with adulting.

It’s not just about putting down my thoughts — it’s about gaining clarity, finding peace, becoming resilient, and building a better version of myself.

I hope these prompts have a similar impact on your life and I can’t wait to hear about your journey.

Who is this for?

This newsletter is for anyone looking to unlock their potential, seek clarity and be a better person in their professional and personal lives:

Professionals aiming to advance in your career and personal development

Solopreneurs or entrepreneurs navigating the challenges of building something on your own

Busy individuals seeking quick, effective ways to incorporate reflection into your day

Someone who feels stuck and wants to gain clarity, reflect, and evaluate your life

New journalers who read about the benefits of journaling and wants to give it a go

Returning journalers looking to restart your practice

Who is this not for?

If you have chronic medical conditions, including depression, mental illness, and anxiety, I recommend you seek professional advice. While I’ve been journaling for nearly 20 years, I’m not a therapist or medical expert.

The prompts you receive leverage scientific research and advice, where available, and are largely inspired by my personal experience with journaling.

What to expect in your inbox?

Every day, you’ll receive four prompts:

2 x Deep Thinking Prompts, each focused on a different area of your life

1 x Quote of the day

1 x "If You Don't Have Time" Prompt for those extra busy days

Prompts will repeat over time, but you’ll find that your answers change as you grow.

Guiding principles

  • Choose just one prompt: Doing more can be overwhelming and counter-productive.

  • Take your time: Some prompts are complex to tackle in one day. You’ll have your initial reaction, and then new thoughts will pop into your head over the next few days. I recommend you stick with the prompt for a few days until you feel comfortable you have addressed it thoroughly.

  • Be brutally honest: It’s tough to criticise yourself or admit when you got things wrong, but this won't be effective if you aren’t honest.

  • Journal your way: While writing is traditional, feel free to use other techniques like audio or video recording or even just thinking about a prompt without distraction (like while walking). You do you!

  • Don’t stress about streaks: If you miss a day, a week, or a month, don’t worry. The prompts will be there for you when you return.

I’d love to hear from you

What inspired you to start journaling? What are you hoping to achieve through journaling? Have questions for me? Reply to this or any future mail!


Check your spam or promotions tab if you can’t find my newsletter. Please mark this email as ‘not spam’ to ensure you receive future emails.

All past journal prompts are available at the Daily Journal Prompts Archive.

Keep growing,


Your fellow journaler


or to participate.